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Merseyside House Clearance
Arch 5

18 Bisley Street



L15 4JP


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Top tips for preventing frozen pipes


Cold weather can wreak havoc on water pipes but by following a few simple steps now, you can minimise risk to your home.


As water expands when it gets colder it can put enough pressure on household pipes to burst them at the seams. Sometimes it is only as the weather warms up that the damage becomes clear. The Consumer Council for Water has some useful advice to help homeowners prevent household pipes from freezing, or worse, bursting during a cold snap.


Top tips for preventing frozen pipes:


Make sure you know where your inside stop valve is and check that it is working. It's usually under the kitchen sink. You will need to get to it quickly if a pipe bursts.


Ensure pipes in cold draughty areas are insulated. Check that the insulation in your loft is thick enough, and that it covers over and around the water pipes where possible. Do not put insulation underneath the water tank.


Wrap bends or hard-to-get-at pipes with securely fixed strips of insulation.


On very cold days, open the hatch to your loft to let warm air in from other parts of the house and prevent pipes from freezing.


Insulate outside taps or turn them off at the stop tap, or drain them before the frosty weather.


Fix any dripping taps or overflows. A build-up of ice can cause a blockage.


If you go away for a few days, leave your heating on low and set it to come on at least once every day.



And remember,  Merseyside House Clearance can provide a list of storage provides in all goes unfortunately wrong.

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